EcoHydro Solutions Ltd. is a UK based company now introducing Path-Away Anti-Pathogenic Solution in Europe. Path Away is a well-known product in the US and many other countries, but new to the European marked.
Path-Away is a broad spectrum anti pathogenic solution derived from natural sources with no added chemicals or alcohol. It is a plant-based solution designed to detect and eliminate air borne and surface pathogens.
It is environmentally safe, and has an extremely low toxicity to humans, animals and plants.
The success of this product is due to the revolutionary ability of Path-Away to manage pathogenic bio-aerosols as well as over 150 surface pathogens without causing harm to humans or the environment.
The solution is non toxic, plant based, bio-degradable and extremely efficient in killing over 150 species of fungi, bacteria yeast and virus according to lab rapports from leading IAQ and microbiology laboratories, one of them being EMLab P&K, located in California, USA.
This aerosol has been tested in over 400 buildings in several countries with outstanding results. It has been used in hospitals and dental clinics, schools and hotels. The results are backed up by lab tests pre- and post-spaying with Path-Away Anti-pathogenic solution.